Tuesday 8 December 2015


Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering consists of a strong faculty of scientists and engineers, most of whom possess Ph.D. degrees from renowned overseas universities. The faculty members have academic backgrounds and relevant specializations in the areas of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, and Basic and Applied Chemistry. This rich amalgam of various disciplines is the strength of our departmentallowing us to pursue R & D and conducting postgraduate academic and research programs in the general direction of Materials Processing.
The Department of Chemical Engineering offers extensive coursework in its both postgraduate programs, and has the depth and breadth of expertise to match. The Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences was the first Pakistani University to offer full-time Masters' by coursework and Ph.D. programs by research work in engineering. It has continuously updated the contents of courses to ensure relevancy to the needs of government organizations and industry. Currently the Postgraduate programs of this Department are of 24 months duration with full time enrolment.

Department of Communication and Management Sciences

The Department of Communication and Management Sciences (DCMS) furthers the mission of PIEAS to impart academic excellence not only to produce competent engineers and medical doctors, proficient scientists and researchers, but also to produce individuals who can provide effective leadership at all levels, personnel with a groomed intellectual and emotional understanding of the organizational and global challenges in the face of volatile technologies, fragile economies and trading societies.
The objectives of the department 0are to:
a)  offer courses related to social and management sciences in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs of PIEAS
b) offer management training programs for the serving officers of strategic commissions

Department of Computer and Information Sciences (DCIS):

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences (DCIS), immediately after its inception in May 2000, launched first four-year bachelor degree program at PIEAS. BS in Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) remained well reputed program recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), accredited with the top category W. In the year 2001, DCIS launched its PhD program. The department has recently launched MPhil program in Computer Science.
The main objective of the department is to produce quality graduates which could be absorbed in private & public sector as well as in strategic organization to conduct their jobs in excellent manner.
We expect our graduates to possess high professional competence combined with humane and moral qualities after they finish their studies from DCIS

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering started as a research group called Computer & Control Systems Group (C&CSG), with the main objectives of establishing research activities and training in the areas of Computer Sciences and Control Systems Engineering. The group launched MS Systems Engineering program in 1988. After restructuring of PIEAS, formerly known as Center for Nuclear Studies (CNS), it was separately established as Electrical Engineering Department in 2000.
More than 300 scientists and engineers have graduated and currently 65 students are registered under M.S. Systems Engineering program. Ph.D. in Systems Engineering was started in 1999. Two students have been awarded Ph.D. degrees in Systems Engineering and 8 are currently pursuing their research leading to Ph.D. The first batch of BS Electrical Engineering students was inducted in Fall 2009 with specialization in Electronics. Specializations in Power and Computer Engineering will also be offered in the coming years.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at PIEAS has its prime objective of producing highly skilled professionals and researchers in the field of mechanical engineering. The department offers both undergraduate (BS) and graduate degree programs (MS, PhD) in mechanical engineering. Admissions in both the BS & MS programs are usually announced in April every year for the upcoming fall semester. Whereas, students in the PhD program are accepted all year-round.

Department of Medical Sciences
The vision of the Department of Medical Sciences (DMS) of PIEAS is "the advancement in Medical Sciences by taking leading role for excellence in academics and innovation, through strong commitment toward betterment of healthcare system".
DMS is striving to train the medical doctors in the fields related to the use of radiation in medicine. Currently the department is offering MSc degree programmes in Nuclear Medicine and Radiation & Medical Oncology for medical doctors. These programmes are designed to provide them a thorough grounding in the principles and applications of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques using radiations and radioisotopes. During training medical doctors are also equipped with the necessary tools for carrying out meaningful research in their respective fields.
Since Nuclear Medicine and Radiation & Medical Oncology are multidisciplinary fields that combine medicine, chemistry, physics, statistics, mathematics and computer sciences;the department also has a rich amalgam of full time and part time faculty comprising of physicians, radio-pharmacists, physicists, engineers, mathematicians and computer experts, all contributing in the programmes of DMS efficiently.

Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

The Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering consists of a strong faculty of scientists and engineers, most of whom possess Ph.D. degrees from renowned overseas universities. The faculty members have academic backgrounds and relevant specializations in the areas of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, and Basic and Applied Chemistry. This rich amalgam of various disciplines is the strength of our departmentallowing us to pursue R & D and conducting postgraduate academic and research programs in the general direction of Materials Processing.
The Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering offers extensive coursework in its both postgraduate programs, and has the depth and breadth of expertise to match. The Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences was the first Pakistani University to offer full-time Masters' by coursework and Ph.D. programs by research work in engineering. It has continuously updated the contents of courses to ensure relevancy to the needs of government organizations and industry. Currently the Postgraduate programs of this Department are of 24 months duration with full time enrolment.

Department of Nuclear Engineering

The vision of Department of Nuclear Engineering (DNE) is "to be a vibrant, proactive model department with conducive academic environment aiming for excellence in teaching and world class research".
The mission of the program is to produce competent and academically sound, thoroughly trained nuclear engineers who are competent to work in the reactor operation, reactor design, reactor safety, nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear security, to carryout commissioning of new reactor facilities, to assist in developing advanced nuclear power systems thus bringing progress and prosperity to our nation and humanity.
The programs of DNE are oriented towards objectives such as imparting high quality education in nuclear engineering and to inculcate culture of analysis and research among students.

Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics

Major objective of all courses and programs in the Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics (DPAM) is to develop in the student the modes of thought and scientific methods related to various branches of Physics, together with the essential skills of learning and of communication.
The department aims at training students in the multi-discipline spirit of PIEAS by involving them in wide range of experimental and theoretical studies and at a sufficient depth to develop their intellectual and personal capabilities.
Currently main research and education thrust of the department is in following areas:
  1.  Medical Physics, Neutron Dosimetry Radiation Physics
  2.  Lasers, Quantum Optics & Applied Electronics
  3. Computational Physics
  4. Reactor Physics

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