Tuesday 8 December 2015


Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering has designed and updated curriculum and offers high quality courses aimed at individuals who can amicably meet these challenges. The program of studies enables them to read the team of future young engineers and to realize their innovative ideas. The Faculty also provides the students with the opportunity to learn how research carried out by the faculty members is transformed into education.
It offers four year BS degree program in Electrical Engineering with following specializations:

  • Electronic Engineering
  • Power Engineering

Thrust AreaS:

  • Communication and Digital Signal Processing
  • Microelectronics and Asic Design
  • Electric Power and Control Systems
  • FEE Research & Development Portal
Faculty Mission 

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is to produce engineers with profound and in-depth knowledge of areas of their specialization. Students are trained such that they can analyze a complex problem and present a very effective and economical solution in an industrial environment.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1. Be suitable for designing, research, and development jobs; and be able to serve in academic, industrial, and government organizations.
PEO-2. Be able to analyze and solve complex electrical engineering problems by applying 36 fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering; and are aware of the im-portance of lifelong learning and sustainability.
PEO-3. Be sensitive to ethical, societal, and environmental issues while applying their modern engineering and IT skills and tools in their professional work; and have the capability of meeting strict timelines when working individually or in a team.
PEO-4. Be equipped with leadership and communication skills in order to be effective contributors in professional organizations.

Program Learning Ojectives (PLOs)

(i) Engineering Knowledge: Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
(ii) Problem Analysis: Ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
(iii) Design/Development of Solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
(iv) Investigation: Ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
(v) Modern Tool Usage: Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
(vi) The Engineer and Society: Ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
(vii) Environment and Sustainability: Ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
(viii) Ethics: Ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
(ix) Individual and Team Work: Ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
(x) Communication: Ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
(xi) Project Management: Ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
(xii) Lifelong Learning: Ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering 

 The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering endeavors to produce competent scientists and engineers who can play a productive role both in the practical and research areas of computing. The faculty uses modern technologies to enhance the learning capabilities of the students and to provide them with a stimulating and challenging environment. Emphasis is put on the practical applications of computer systems to the software and hardware needs of the global industry in general and Pakistani industry in particular. The alumnus of the faculty is placed in reputed national and international organizations including Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., IBM, and Amazon.com. The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering offers following degree programs:

  1. Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Engineering
  2. Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science
  3. Master of Science (MS) in Computer System Engineering
  4. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer System Engineering.



NUST has improved its world ranking in the field of Engineering and
Technology by 58 positions from 398th to 340th, thus maintaining its
premier position in the 2015 ranking announced on September 15, 2015, 
by M/S Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) of UK, the most prestigious ranking
agency of the world.
NUST has also been included in Top 120 Asian Universities. In subject-wise
rankings QS ranked NUST Programs of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
at 271 and Computer Sciences & Informatitem at 338 positions in the world.
It is worth mentioning that another ranking agency of repute M/S Times Higher
Education, UK, has also ranked NUST amongst the Top 100 universities
(at # 95) from BRICS and other Emerging Economies of the world in its 2015
ranking.The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has ranked NUST
as No 1 University of Pakistan in its latest ranking announced in
May 2015.Moreover, the NUST’s Research Profile has been
gauged more than double and 1.5 times the global
percentage in the fields of Engineering & Technology
and Natural Sciences, respectively.


Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI):


The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) is one of the most prestigious engineering institutes of Pakistan. GIK is known the world over for setting a standard of excellence in the field of engineering. Over the years, the institute has produced bright, innovative graduates employed at some of the most respectable firms all over the world. The Institute aspires to be a center of excellence in engineering sciences and technology, which acts as an effective agent of change and a model for others to emulate. It is autonomous and independently chartered and is funded by the private sector. It strives to attract faculty of outstanding talent and ability to provide the students a supporting and enabling environment. It hopes to produce graduates who distinguish themselves by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and ethical rectitude, pragmatic approach to problem-solving, and organizational and managerial skills. Given these attributes, they should be able to respond adequately to the needs of Pakistan and be the vanguard of their techno-industrial transformation.

Apart from its outstanding academic programme, GIK is also known for the versatility and vibrancy of its extra-curricular scenario. All of these activities are student-organized. At present, GIK has more than 20 student societies. These organizations provide the students with various opportunities to indulge in their aesthetic interests and experience working in a professional environment. Moreover, these societies instill in their members the priceless qualities of teamwork and leadership

The task of conceiving and formulating the basic form and features of the Institute was entrusted to a group of eminent scientists and engineers. These professionals started transformation of the dream into reality at a galloping pace. The civil works at the campus site were started in early 1990. An interim office of the Institute was set up in August 1992 where senior professionals with outstanding backgrounds worked in a cohesive group to evolve the educational aims and philosophy of the Institute, its curricula and details of state-of-the-art equipment for its laboratories and workshops. The ordinance of the Institute was promulgated by the Frontier Government in March 1993 and the first batch of students entered its portals in October 1993.
The Institute symbolizes the immense altruism and concern for collective welfare that exists in the private sector. It is the first privately-funded institute of its kind in the country and dedicated to bringing our engineering education at par with the advanced countries. The tuition fee has to be in consonance with the high cost of education. However, what the students are charged hardly covers the annual expenditure. Total capital outlay of the Institute to-date on historical cost basis works out to more than Rs. 2.5 billion for which funds were mobilized from diverse sources including a major donation of Rs. 750 million from Infaq Foundation and land measuring 216 acres donated by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


From Islamabad

On Motorway M1 towards Peshawar, take the Ghazi Interchange, which is around 10 kilometres after passing the Hassanabadal Interchange and the Haro River Bridge.
After taking the exit at the Ghazi Interchange, turn right and follow the signs for Tarbela/Ghazi.

From Peshawar

On Motorway M1 towards Islamabad, take the Swabi Interchange and turn right (twice) for Swabi/Ambar.
Follow the signs for GIK Institute, Topi.


  • 1988 Establishment of SOPREST
  • 1989 Completion of Feasibility Report
  • 1990 Civil Work Started
  • 1993 First Batch of Students Inducted
  • 1997 First Batch Graduated
  • 2001 Graduate Program Started
  • 2003 First Batch of MS Graduates
  • 2004 Ten Year Anniversary Celebrated

Academic Staff

  • Faculty Members (PhDs) : 32
  • Research Associates : 22
  • Lab Engineers/ Computer Programmers : 27
  • Visiting Faculty : 12
Student Societies & Clubs

  • ACM - Association of Computing Machinery
  • Adventure Club - Sailing, Hiking, Adventure Trips, etc
  • AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
  • ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • CDES - Cultural Dramatic & Entertainment Society
  • GEAS - GIKI Environmental & Awareness Society
  • GSS - GIKI Sports Society, Cricket Club, Hockey team, Badminton team, etc
  • Horizon - GIKI Student Publication Society, Annual issue of Horizon Magazine
  • IEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers
  • IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
  • LDS - Literary and Debating Society
  • Media Club - Movie Making, Photography, Desktop Publisher, Event Coverage, etc
  • Naqsh - Arts Society
  • Netronix - Hostel Network Administrators
  • Science Society - Science Day, etc
  • SOPHEP - Society for Promotion of Higher education, Pakistan
  • SPIE - Society for Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
  • TMS/ASM - The Mineral, Metal & Material Society/American Society for Materials
  • WES - Women Engineers Society


Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering consists of a strong faculty of scientists and engineers, most of whom possess Ph.D. degrees from renowned overseas universities. The faculty members have academic backgrounds and relevant specializations in the areas of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, and Basic and Applied Chemistry. This rich amalgam of various disciplines is the strength of our departmentallowing us to pursue R & D and conducting postgraduate academic and research programs in the general direction of Materials Processing.
The Department of Chemical Engineering offers extensive coursework in its both postgraduate programs, and has the depth and breadth of expertise to match. The Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences was the first Pakistani University to offer full-time Masters' by coursework and Ph.D. programs by research work in engineering. It has continuously updated the contents of courses to ensure relevancy to the needs of government organizations and industry. Currently the Postgraduate programs of this Department are of 24 months duration with full time enrolment.

Department of Communication and Management Sciences

The Department of Communication and Management Sciences (DCMS) furthers the mission of PIEAS to impart academic excellence not only to produce competent engineers and medical doctors, proficient scientists and researchers, but also to produce individuals who can provide effective leadership at all levels, personnel with a groomed intellectual and emotional understanding of the organizational and global challenges in the face of volatile technologies, fragile economies and trading societies.
The objectives of the department 0are to:
a)  offer courses related to social and management sciences in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs of PIEAS
b) offer management training programs for the serving officers of strategic commissions

Department of Computer and Information Sciences (DCIS):

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences (DCIS), immediately after its inception in May 2000, launched first four-year bachelor degree program at PIEAS. BS in Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) remained well reputed program recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), accredited with the top category W. In the year 2001, DCIS launched its PhD program. The department has recently launched MPhil program in Computer Science.
The main objective of the department is to produce quality graduates which could be absorbed in private & public sector as well as in strategic organization to conduct their jobs in excellent manner.
We expect our graduates to possess high professional competence combined with humane and moral qualities after they finish their studies from DCIS

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering started as a research group called Computer & Control Systems Group (C&CSG), with the main objectives of establishing research activities and training in the areas of Computer Sciences and Control Systems Engineering. The group launched MS Systems Engineering program in 1988. After restructuring of PIEAS, formerly known as Center for Nuclear Studies (CNS), it was separately established as Electrical Engineering Department in 2000.
More than 300 scientists and engineers have graduated and currently 65 students are registered under M.S. Systems Engineering program. Ph.D. in Systems Engineering was started in 1999. Two students have been awarded Ph.D. degrees in Systems Engineering and 8 are currently pursuing their research leading to Ph.D. The first batch of BS Electrical Engineering students was inducted in Fall 2009 with specialization in Electronics. Specializations in Power and Computer Engineering will also be offered in the coming years.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at PIEAS has its prime objective of producing highly skilled professionals and researchers in the field of mechanical engineering. The department offers both undergraduate (BS) and graduate degree programs (MS, PhD) in mechanical engineering. Admissions in both the BS & MS programs are usually announced in April every year for the upcoming fall semester. Whereas, students in the PhD program are accepted all year-round.

Department of Medical Sciences
The vision of the Department of Medical Sciences (DMS) of PIEAS is "the advancement in Medical Sciences by taking leading role for excellence in academics and innovation, through strong commitment toward betterment of healthcare system".
DMS is striving to train the medical doctors in the fields related to the use of radiation in medicine. Currently the department is offering MSc degree programmes in Nuclear Medicine and Radiation & Medical Oncology for medical doctors. These programmes are designed to provide them a thorough grounding in the principles and applications of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques using radiations and radioisotopes. During training medical doctors are also equipped with the necessary tools for carrying out meaningful research in their respective fields.
Since Nuclear Medicine and Radiation & Medical Oncology are multidisciplinary fields that combine medicine, chemistry, physics, statistics, mathematics and computer sciences;the department also has a rich amalgam of full time and part time faculty comprising of physicians, radio-pharmacists, physicists, engineers, mathematicians and computer experts, all contributing in the programmes of DMS efficiently.

Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

The Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering consists of a strong faculty of scientists and engineers, most of whom possess Ph.D. degrees from renowned overseas universities. The faculty members have academic backgrounds and relevant specializations in the areas of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, and Basic and Applied Chemistry. This rich amalgam of various disciplines is the strength of our departmentallowing us to pursue R & D and conducting postgraduate academic and research programs in the general direction of Materials Processing.
The Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering offers extensive coursework in its both postgraduate programs, and has the depth and breadth of expertise to match. The Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences was the first Pakistani University to offer full-time Masters' by coursework and Ph.D. programs by research work in engineering. It has continuously updated the contents of courses to ensure relevancy to the needs of government organizations and industry. Currently the Postgraduate programs of this Department are of 24 months duration with full time enrolment.

Department of Nuclear Engineering

The vision of Department of Nuclear Engineering (DNE) is "to be a vibrant, proactive model department with conducive academic environment aiming for excellence in teaching and world class research".
The mission of the program is to produce competent and academically sound, thoroughly trained nuclear engineers who are competent to work in the reactor operation, reactor design, reactor safety, nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear security, to carryout commissioning of new reactor facilities, to assist in developing advanced nuclear power systems thus bringing progress and prosperity to our nation and humanity.
The programs of DNE are oriented towards objectives such as imparting high quality education in nuclear engineering and to inculcate culture of analysis and research among students.

Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics

Major objective of all courses and programs in the Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics (DPAM) is to develop in the student the modes of thought and scientific methods related to various branches of Physics, together with the essential skills of learning and of communication.
The department aims at training students in the multi-discipline spirit of PIEAS by involving them in wide range of experimental and theoretical studies and at a sufficient depth to develop their intellectual and personal capabilities.
Currently main research and education thrust of the department is in following areas:
  1.  Medical Physics, Neutron Dosimetry Radiation Physics
  2.  Lasers, Quantum Optics & Applied Electronics
  3. Computational Physics
  4. Reactor Physics


Pakistan is counted in the list of educated countries of the world. In Pakistan the literacy rate is about 58% which is increasing day by day. The government of Pakistan is trying its best to educate more people. Nearly 65% youth of Pakistan is getting education in different faculties.

It is our bad luck that the scope of engineering in Pakistan is falling day by day but  still our youth is crazy for field of engineering. In Pakistan there are large number of private and  government engineering universities. Some of  them are included in list of best universities of Asia.
These universities offer almost all type of engineering  programs. All these  universities are good in different engineering programs. The higher education commission of Pakistan has declared  new ranking of  all the universities. Here I am sharing list of Top Ten Engineering Universities of Pakistan.

In Pakistan there are numerous numbers of universities which are working as engineering universities and aiding the student with vast information and knowledge. However, according to Higher Education Commission (HEC) below are the top ten ranking engineering universities of Pakistan.
Top 10 Engineering Universities of Pakistan
  1. Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) Islamabad
  2. National University of Science & Technology (NUST)
  3. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI)
  4. The University of Engineering and Technology
  5. Mehran University
  6. University of Engineering and Technology, Texila
  7. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
  8. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)
  9. NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar
  10. NED University of Engineering & Technology
Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) Islamabad

The university is embrace with modern technology and has got nine academic blocks which contain twenty seven laboratories and two production plants of nitrogen and oxygen. The university has highly qualified faculty members which includes foreign PhDs, scientist and engineers from diversified background. The university is also equipped with nuclear reactor, Atomic absorption system, water reactor power plant and with other advance technology for training purpose.The university offers variety of specialized courses in the field of engineering which includes: · 

  1. Chemical Engineering 
  2. Mechanical Engineering 
  3. Nuclear Engineering 
  4. Material Engineering 
  5. Electrical Engineering

National University of Science & Technology (NUST)

The NUST is deemed as a place for centre of brilliance and gripping the advance knowledge which is related to scientific and engineering field. The university has highly qualified faculty member from diversified background university offer advance level of academic program and aid the students with modern and high tech technology which goes ahead from the traditional way of education.The university is specialized in providing different type of engineering courses which includes:

  1. Microwave Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Mechatronics Engineering
  4. Engineering Management
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI)

The university is considered to be as one of the esteemed institution not only in Pakistan but they have set their standards of brilliance around the globe in the field of engineering. The university is equipped with advance technology which facilitates students in enhancing their knowledge and managerial skills. The university has produced the graduates that have differentiated themselves in their professional competency and problem solving skills.The university offer wide range of courses in the field of engineering which includes:

  1. Computer Science Engineering
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Chemical Engineering
  4. Material Engineering
  5. Engineering Science
The University of Engineering and Technology

UET Lahore is considered to be as one of the oldest university and produced largest number of engineering qualified student in Pakistan. The main campus situated is in Lahore, while the other three campuses in located in different cities of Punjab. The university is equipped qualified faculty and facilitates the students with the advance technology tools which are already the part of the prestigious university.The university offer wide rage of engineering courses which includes:

  1. Computer Science Engineering
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Mechanical
  4. Mehatronics
  5. Geological
  6. Petroleum
  7. Civil 
  8. Chemical Engineering
  9. Material Engineering
  10. Engineering Science
Mehran University

The Mehran University is situated in Jamshoro, Sindh and it is recognized as the university which has awarded more number of engineering degrees than any other institution. The university is well operational with modern technology and qualified faculty members. The university offers the courses in 17 disciplines out 15 are related with the field of engineering.
  1. Chemical Engineering
  2.  Mining Engineering Industrial Engineering & Managemen
  3.  Mechanical Engineering
  4.  Metallurgy & Materials Engineering 
  5. Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering

·    University of Engineering and Technology, Texila

The University Engineering and technology (UET), Texila was developed when excessive amount for enrolment was received in UET main campus Lahore. The university is equipped with the same level of technology and the faculty member which the students can find in the main campus. The university facilitates their students with different engineering models though which they can apply their knowledge practically on those models.The university offer several courses that relate with the engineering studies which include

  1. Civil and Environmental Engineering
  2. Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  3. Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
  4. Telecommunication and information Engineering
  5. Industrial Engineering

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

The University headquarter is in Islamabad and remaining to campuses is in Lahore and Karachi. The university is furnished with latest technologies which aid the engineering students to learn in a professional and updated environment. The faculty members are highly qualified and belongs from diversifies professional fields.The university offered various courses in advance engineering field which are as follow:

  1. Telecom Switching & Networks Digital Communication
  2. Computer Networks Engineering Drawing
  3. Engineering Economics
NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar

The NWFP university of Engineering & Technology is widely famous for engineering program. The university offer unique and variety of courses that are related to the field of engineering which mainly include Agriculture Engineering. The university faculty members and professors are highly qualified and have a great experience in their fields. The university has also facilitated the students with the updated and modern instruments models in order to practically take hold of the knowledge.The unique courses which the university offers to their students are as follows:
  1. Agriculture Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Electrical Engineering
  5. Agriculture Science

NED University of Engineering & Technology

NED University is considered to be the oldest university in Pakistan that is providing the education related to the field of engineering. The faculty members are experienced and qualified that belong to the different professional environment. The university is also equipped with latest advance technology which aid the students to get an in depth knowledge and information related to engineering field.The courses which NED universities are offering in engineering field are as follows:

  1.          Civil Engineering
  2.          Urban & Infrastructure Engineering
  3.          Petroleum Engineering
  4.          Environmental Engineering
  5.          Earthquake Engineering
  6.          Mechanical Engineering
  7.          Textile Engineering
  8.          Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
  9.          Automotive & Marine Engineering
  10.          Electrical Engineering
  11.          Electronic Engineering
  12.          Computer & Information Systems Engineering
  13.          Bio-Medical Engineering
  14.          Chemical Engineering
  15.          Materials Engineering
  16.          Metallurgical Engineering
  17.          Polymer & Petrochemical Engineering
  18.          Software Engineering
  19.        Construction Engineering
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)

The university is embrace with five faculties and sixteen different departments and offering 32 graduate programs and 23 under graduates programs. The university is furnished with modern technologies and professional environment which aid the student in gaining more knowledge and managerial skills which differentiate them with others in the market.