Saturday 12 December 2015


Civil Engineering

 Civil Engineering is the process of directing and controlling natural resources for the use and benefit of human kind through construction of various structures. It applies engineering practices to the planning, design, construction and operation and maintenance of structures such as buildings, roads, bridges, railways, factories, airports, irrigation schemes, docks, harbors, dams, sea defenses, flood control systems, water supply and sewerage disposal schemes,etc. Thus, civil engineering is probably the largest and broadest discipline of engineering.

The Department of Civil Engineering of the University provides essential and advance engineering education according to the requirements of field. The various fields of specialization are introduced to the final year students by assigning them a thesis project. The thesis projects may be specific to a particular specialization of civil engineering like Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, etc. 

The department teaches many courses relevant to the various fields of Civil Engineering. Theory classes of different subject are complemented by tutorials and laboratory works, for which adequate facilities are with equipment have been established. In addition, the students are taken to field visits of the Civil Engineering projects such as water distribution structures, bridge and building structures, road construction works, geotechnical works, etc. During the summer vacations the students are also sent on various Civil Engineering projects for internship. This is to expose them to practical engineering practices being actually implemented.         
The department also offers postgraduate courses leading to postgraduate degree programs such as Post-graduate Diploma (P.G.D.), Master of Engineering (M.C.E.), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the following fields.
  • Civil Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Geotechnical and Highway Engineering
  • Construction Management

Recently, the department has set up a Software Laboratory which provides computing facility using application Software in Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. It also deals with the large-scale electrical systems such as power generation transmission, controlled distribution and utilization.

The department of electrical engineering is one of the oldest and prestigious departments of the university supported and equipped with highly qualified faculty and modern laboratories
The department has 25 full-time faculty members. Several faculty members have won prestigious awards for their teaching and research work.

Our undergraduate and postgraduate students are drawn from across the country and abroad. Degrees are conferred to the undergraduate students on successful completion of four year degree program. Postgraduate students receive M.E degree after successful completion of 18-month Postgraduate Diploma program and minimum of six months research work.  Currently 500 undergraduate, 150 postgraduate and 05 Ph.D students are enrolled in the department.

The undergraduate program emphasizes teaching electrical engineering fundamentals and applications as well as advanced engineering studies, enabling young graduates to work in industry or pursue higher education with great confidence. Our graduate engineers are given top priority in the public and private sectors.

Electronics Engineering

Electronic Engineering is an increasingly important engineering discipline that significantly affects the other disciplines of engineering. It is in great demand in both developed and developing nations. Continual advances in electronic engineering in the areas of materials, processes, devices, and circuits have been leading to rapid advances, in the existing applications of engineering as well as in the emergence of new applications. To harness the full potential of electronic engineering developments and further advance the state of electronic technology, it is important to have strong programmes to educate and train individuals in this key discipline of engineering.
Electronic Engineering artifacts play major role in the evolution of mankind and culture. Today, the Electronic Engineering profession and the education of engineers are challenged by the rapidly changing nature of those engineering systems which determine what is meant by ‘modern technology’. The advent of Microprocessor Technology has probably made Electronic Engineering the exemplary technology of this century, along with emergence of new species, with higher levels of integration. The existing and potential uses and applications of Electronics are multitudinous. Indeed it is difficult to point to any industrial or commercial area which may not eventually be affected by this technology.
The Department of Electronic Engineering offers degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level equally. It offers:
  • B.E. (Electronic Engineering)
  • M.E. (Telecommunication & Control Engineering) under the umbrella of Institute of Information & Communication Technologies.
  • M.E. (Communication Systems & Networks) under the umbrella of Institute of Information & Communication Technologies.
  • M.E. (Information Technology) under the umbrella of Institute of Institute of Information & Communication Technologies.

It fulfills the more acute need of the development of the country by producing more qualified Engineers at undergraduate & postgraduate levels.  The programmes offered provide technical manpower for the development and production of the Electronic Engineering in the country to provide qualified human resources as engineers and technology experts to develop indigenous capability of planning, designing and executing various projects in Electronic Engineering.
The field of Electronic Engineering encompasses the knowledge of electronic circuits & devices and their applications. The students learn variety of subjects of diverse fields including, Microprocessors & Interfacing, Automation and Robotics, Analog & Digital Communication, Optoelectronics, Wired & Wireless Communications, Signal Processing, Industrial Electronics, Integrated Electronics, Artificial Neural Networks, Instrumentation & Control, Embedded System, Telecommunication System Design & Applications, Sequential Circuit Design, Laser & Fiber Optics, Microwave Engineering, Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating System, Computer Communication & Networking.
The courses taught are regularly updated to keep abreast of new knowledge and development. The students also undertake a project during their final year, which helps them to enhance their capabilities as young design engineers. The department is also equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories such as:

  • Electronics Engineering Laboratory
  • Telecommunication Engineering Laboratory
  • Control Engineering Laboratory
  • Biomedical Engineering Laboratory-I & II
  • Digital Electronics & Microprocessors Laboratory
  • Advanced Computer Laboratory
  • Advanced Telecommunication & Telematics Laboratory
  • Interactive Cyber & Networking Laboratory
  • Top Quality Centralized Instrumentation Laboratory-I & II
  • Project Laboratory/PC Repair Shop 

These laboratories are well equipped with latest equipment ranging from basic electronic devices, simulators and trainers to more advanced telecommunications trainers, such as Microwave & Antenna trainers. Excellent course work and due practical experience, provide ample job opportunities to our graduates in both public and private sector organizations, national & multinational companies. There is a huge job market of Electronic Engineers in Middle East, Europe, USA and Canada.
On behalf of our quality work and intention towards developing industrial interaction a “Top Quality Centralized Instrumentation Center (TQCIC)” has been established in our department. The aims & objectives of TQCIC are as follows:
  • To develop interaction between industries and the university.
  • To design & develop instruments with cost effectiveness.
  • To provide the cost effective Hi-Tech solutions & modernize the existing Instrumentation in our industry & educational institutions.
  • To provide consultancy in the areas of Industrial Automation & Control, Communication & Electronics.
  • To provide the trainings in the areas of Instrumentation, PLCs, PID Controllers, PCB Designing & Fabrication & Advanced Simulation Software’s.
  • To provide the services & solutions in Industrial Electronics equipment’s.

Frequent visits to industries are also organized by the department to acquaint students with practical environment. Specifically internship program is launched in collaboration with local industry during summer break for third year and final year students. In addition to that, students are also encouraged to participate in Seminars, Conferences and Software Competitions, such as IEEEP student seminar, A.Q. Khan Software at national level software competition held annually on and around campus. The department has centrally air-conditioned seminar library named after the late Professor M.D. Makhdoom

They have other departments of engineering
  • Industrial
  • Mechanical
  • Metallurgy & Materials
  • Mining
  • Software
  • Telecommunication
  • Textile

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