Saturday 12 December 2015


Mehran University Of engineering and Technology 

Mehran UET is one of the most engaged, supportive and responsive universities in Pakistan which focuses on making higher education and research accessible and relevant to all people of Pakistan in general and Sindh in particular. The University has continued to put in efforts to address community engagement opportunities, financial sustainability and growth, improvement in teaching and learning and research excellence, program up gradation and expansion into new discipline areas. Mehran UET believes that this scrutiny is an opportunity to provide the public with a confirmation of high standards in academic quality and student centered and holistic approach to education. This university is proud to claim that the students are getting the high-quality education which they expect and deserve.
Mehran UET is becoming a role model to other universities with desire to grow and flourish through engagement. This university is achieving this by working more closely with

  •  students
  •  communities
  •  industries
  •  regional employers
  •  government 

 This year is golden jubilee celebration of Mehran UET. It is a dream of every invidual at Mehran UET that with the dedicated, committed and motivated team who work together to reaffirm and pledge on the occasion of Golden jubilee celebrations to keep up the name of the University as has been the tradition.
Over the years, Mehran UET has focused on four core elements:

  • becoming a national leader in the quality of our academic programs
  • being universally recognized for the quality of the learning experience
  •  creating an environment that truly values and is enriched by pluralistic diversity
  • expanding the mission to address our society's most challenging needs

The end product of the University is academic excellence, measured by the quality of the research, scholarship, and graduates it produces along with their collective impact on the society at large. this excellence can only be achieved when all parts of the University; administration, faculty, staff, and students, and alumni are committed to the highest standards of performance.

The number of students admitted to the First Year classes of all four disciplines at Khairpur Mir’s Campus is 244 out of which 60 candidates are admitted under Self Finance Scheme.

Most of the laboratories and workshops of the teaching departments are properly equipped and practical as well as demonstration training is imparted to the students wherever applicable. Continuous efforts are ongoing to upgrade these facilities for the practical training and new equipment is acquired for this purpose. Additionally, training to the concerned staff is also organized within the University as well as outside. In some cases, where the training facilities are not available within the University, the students are sent to suitable institutes in Karachi or elsewhere to undergo adequate training. Every department has been provided adequate number of personal computers and e-mail and Internet facilities for the training and use of the student’s as well teaching staff.

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