Monday 14 December 2015


Electrical engineers are some of the most-sought-after professionals in the workplace these days. This should not come as a surprise, as practically everything in the modern world requires the use of systems that electrical engineers design and develop.

Top Electrical Engineering Companies to Work For

The Boeing Company

A long-established and highly regarded aeronautics firm, the Boeing Company continues to be the top provider of jetliners for passenger and other commercial transport purposes. This being the case, it is then no wonder that the company continues to require the expertise that only electrical engineers can provide. Working for the firm not only brings prestige but also the opportunity to further grow one’s skills and career in the electrical engineering field.

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

One of the biggest names in the computational technology world is International Business Machines Corporation, otherwise known as IBM. From developing next-generation hardware systems for consumer, commercial, and industrial use, electrical engineers will surely find working for this firm fulfilling, not just remuneration-wise but in terms of career and skills growth as well.


No doubt the biggest name in the information technology sector, Google has constant need for some of the most advanced systems to guarantee 24/7 operations around the world. With such demanding computational requirements, Google must develop, design, and create its very own hardware systems, something which electrical engineers surely have the expertise to collaborate in.

Apple is known for its untiring research and development, so it certainly comes as no surprise that the company manages to continually dominate the consumer technology sector. It has long been hailed by employees as one of the best firms to work for as well, since it has one of the most dynamic workplace practices and one of the most attractive compensation and benefits packages. Best of all, working for Apple allows electrical engineers to fully maximize their potential as collaboration in design, development, and testing of products.
General Electric

General Electric’s reach is wide ranging, with the aviation and the energy sectors just two of its most crucial interests. Electrical engineers who land jobs with General Electric have the chance to work with esteemed innovators, engineers, and scientists to develop economically viable and environmentally sustainable clean-energy systems that utilize air, solar, and wave power. General Electric, specifically its subsidiary GE Aviation, designs, develops, and manufactures aircraft engines for military and commercial applications as well, certainly a job that requires the expertise of electrical engineers.

Shell Oil Company

Shell Oil Company continues to be one of the biggest names in the oil, mining, and extraction sector. Currently operating in practically all parts of the world to explore, develop, extract, and transport energy, it makes perfect sense that the company needs the expertise the likes of electrical engineers can provide. Those in the profession will surely have all opportunity to apply their know-how and skills in developing electrical systems that streamline Shell’s processes.
BMW Group

Long-established firm BMW creates some of the most-hailed automobiles sold on the market today. Providing top-quality motorized vehicles is certainly no easy feat, but it is something that BMW excels in, thanks to its network of designers and innovators. Electrical engineers who successfully land a job in the esteemed firm have the chance to grow not just their skills but their respective careers as well.

Determining your career path entails more than just studying your specialization of choice. It also requires finding the right company to work for, as that is where you will apply your know-how and hopefully where you will learn new skills as well. Being in the right electrical engineering company is crucial, as it will also help you grow professionally and propel you toward opportunities offering career growth; and we hope that our list of the top electrical engineering companies to work for will help guide you in finding the best job for you.
For those of you electrical engineers looking to work for a large company, those listed in this post are some of the best out there. Between their salary and benefit packages and the opportunities that they provide to work on large-scale, award-winning projects, you can see and do amazing things at these companies.

We hope this post is helpful to our electrical engineering readers, and we look forward to continuing to help our readers and our IECD members to create extraordinary engineering careers.

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