Monday 14 December 2015


Now days the rise of inflation and increase in the rate of unemployment has made every person to think about his future and career. If the career you choose is right then it will bring a long period of comfort and satisfaction in your life. If the career you choose is not correct then it will bring a lot of problems and results in wastage of time and effort.

 Many Field Have better Scope In Future

After HSSC many students in Pakistan are interested in engineering and want to start their career as engineer. There are many fields mechanical, Electrical, computer and students are confused to choose which field of engineering to study. All fields have approximate same growth and scope. The only need is to choose field according to the present and future conditions. In Pakistan currently the job scope is more in Electrical and electronics engineering but Civil engineers are paid high as compare to electrical and Electronics engineers.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering deals with the designing and making of substantial and Mother Nature that includes canal, houses, huge buildings, bridges on river and roads inside the country. Civil engineering is most broad and oldest field of engineering. It is very hard to classify the field of civil engineering.

Mechanical Engineering 

Mechanical Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design and making of tools, machines and other mechanical equipment. This is also very broad field. A mechanical engineer can be specialized in thermal, design and production engineering.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical and Electronics is also one of the famous branches of engineering in Pakistan. It deals with electricity and related products. It has also a sub category that is telecom, which deals with the communication systems.

Software Engineering

Software engineering normally lies under the discipline of computer science. It deals with the making of software and OS for computer systems. In Pakistan this field is also growing very rapidly. In coming future it will also become one of the main branches of engineering like civil and mechanical.
“In Pakistan Civil Engineering Has highest Scope In Future”

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